City’s FY 2012 Budget Planning Calendar
The following is the schedule set up by City staff and approved by Council for planning and approving the City’s and the EDC’s FY 2012 budget:
6/24/11 - City Administrator (CA) sends the FY 2012 budget forms to Department Heads for department review and completion establishing preliminary ezpenditures per department. Forms are due back to the CA by 7/15/11.
7/18-22/11 - Department Heads meet with CA, City Treasurer, and the Mayor for further consideration of departmental requests. During this week, the proposed FY 2012 budgets will be finalized by the CA, the City Treasurer, and the Mayor.
7/26/11 - Bexar County Chief Appraiser certifies the tax roll and the effective and rollback tax rates and schedules are calculated.
7/27/11 - EDC publishes the notice of their proposed FY 2012 budget.
8/11/11 - Proposed FY 2012 budget is presented to City Council.
8/25/11 and
9/8/11 - Public hearings to be held on the proposed FY 2012 budget for the City and the EDC and the proposed tax rate.
9/22/11 - Public hearing to be held on the proposed FY 2012 budget for the City and the EDC and the proposed tax rate. At this meeting, the FY 2012 budgets for the City and the EDC and the tax rate will be approved by Council.