HHS – June’s Pet of the Month

Chase is a 1 year old, 30 pound, male black labrador retriever mix. He is a very smart dog. He was homeless and one night he decided to follow a couple home while they were out walking their dogs. That couple just happened to be fosters for the Helotes Humane Society. »
HHS Offers Free Cats in June
In partnership with the ASPCA and Fresh Step Cat Litter, the Helotes Humane Society is offering "fee-waived" cat adoptions for the entire month of June. "Free love" can be yours when you adopt a cat older than 6 months. »
Owner of Pipes Dreams in Helotes Fosters a Rescued Dog for HHS
On April 8, 2011, Joe Paciencia, owner of Pipes Dreams at 12340 Bandera Road #103, in Helotes (, found Sweetie, a 10-month old yellow lab, at the front door of his business. »
Josie – HHS Featured Pet for July

Josie is a 2 year old female Boxer mix who weighs 45 pounds. She was found as a stray in fair condition. It appeared that she had just had puppies, but no puppies were ever found. »
Don’t Eat the Fish in Lower Leon Creek!
The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) has issued an advisory warning people not to consume fish from Lower Leon Creek starting at the Old U.S. 90 bridge downstream to the Loop 410 Bridge in San Antonio. »
Jon Allan Memorial Fund Created
Jon believed strongly that all children need to establish a connection with nature, increasingly so in our highly technological world. He also knew that the healing of children who have been hurt in some way is furthered when they have the opportunity to enjoy a natural environment. »
HHS Second Chances Thrift Shop

The Helotes Humane Society (HHS) announces the opening of their new Second Chances Thrift Shop in Old Town Helotes. »
Air Life in Helotes Again

On Monday, June 21, 2010, Air Life was once again required to transport an injured person from the site of an automobile accident in Helotes, near the intersection of Hwy. 16 and Scenic Loop Road. »
A Gift I Give Myself
Fostering orphaned kittens is a time-consuming, stressful, and labor-intensive endeavor. Why do I do it? I do it for myself, for the love, pleasure and satisfaction it brings me. »