The mission of the Helotes Herald is to foster an open and representative City government by keeping Helotes citizens informed and aware of what’s happening at City Hall. We will also provide information on significant events occurring in Helotes and in the surrounding communities.
We invite your comments on everything presented on this website. You will be given the opportunity to share your opinion at the end of each post. We know most Helotians have strong opinions about what’s going on, and we want to give everyone a chance to share those opinions.
There are a few basic rules: No name calling. No character assassination. No foul language. No comments that are off topic, abusive, threatening, or an invasion of anyone’s privacy.
Certainly, all of us will never agree on any one issue. Just explain your point of view. The Editor of the Herald reserves the right to publish or not publish the comments that are submitted. You will be contacted by email if our comment does not comply with the rules of this site and will have an opportunity to revise it or remove the offending language.
We hope you enjoy the Helotes Herald and find it helpful and informative.
1. Shed light on issues of interest to the community and provide a forum whereby our readers can comment on what we report.
2. Provide information about what’s happening at Helotes City Hall, to include upcoming agendas of the City Council and the boards, commissions, and committees and report on these meetings.
3. Provide the “other side of the story” to the citizens of Helotes and surrounding communities, the side that is often not told in the local newspapers.
We would like to hear any constructive, helpful criticism and/or suggestions you would like to share with us.
Contact us by email at: editor@helotesherald.com