Board of Adjustment Meeting Scheduled for December 28, 2009
The Board of Adjustment rarely meets, only when there is a variance request for them to consider. Such a request has been submitted, and a meeting has been scheduled at City Hall at 7 p.m. on Monday, December 28, 2009.
First, there will be a public hearing on a request for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance requirement of a 25-foot side yard setback, for an addition to an existing encroachment, for property located at 10511 Rocking M Trail, owned by James and Laurie Milton.
After the public hearing, the Board will discuss and take action on the variance request.
Unless there have been changes I am not aware of, the regular members of the Board of Adjustment are:
- Niels Jensen, Chair
- Robert Logue
- Douglas B. Deptuch
- Charles E. Roberts, and
- Paul Friedrichs
The alternate members are:
- Donny R. Jones
- Frank Thompson
- Jerry Cotton, and
- Steve Ritchie