In partnership with the ASPCA and Fresh Step Cat Litter, the Helotes Humane Society is offering "fee-waived" cat adoptions for the entire month of June. "Free love" can be yours when you adopt a cat older than 6 months. »
Townhomes in Iron Horse Canyon?
City Council members will discuss and take action on conceptual site and design plans for a townhome development within Iron Horse Canyon. When this issue came up in the past, residents of Iron Horse Canyon were against this type of development. »
P&Z Meeting Agenda – June 7, 2011
The agenda item that got my attention was the discussion and recommendation to the City Council on CONCEPTUAL (not always what is built after all is said and done) site and design plans for a low-density townhome development within Iron Horse Canyon. »
City Council Meeting Notes – May 26, 2011

The Helotes City Council met at City Hall for a regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, May 26, 2011. »
Schoolcraft Elected to Serve Third Term as Mayor of Helotes
Get ready for another 2 years of watching the selling of Helotes to commercial developers, decreasing reserves in the City's budget, and increasingly worse traffic (and perhaps a championship... »
May 12 City Council Meeting Cancelled
According to the City's website (, the regularly scheduled Helotes City Council meeting that was to take place on Thursday, May 12, 2011 (2 days before the upcoming general... »